Sunday, July 28, 2019

#0025-1139Jul28-Participated as Panelist on NOU Round Table discussion

It was my great pleasure to be one Panelist on "Round-table discussion on Consumer Behaviour and other Marketing-related Issues" today organized by Nepal Open University (NOU) on the capacity of President of South Asian Countries SME Forum (SAC SME Forum). I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to all the team at NOU and special thanks to Moderator, Prof. Dr. Arhan Sthapit / Faculty Member Raj Kumar KC for inviting me and respectable Prof. Dr. Subarna Bajracharya as co-panelist. I hope, I could manage to share my experiences in gentle way and match the expectation from the NOU as well as participant fellow students.

आज नेपाल ओपन युनिभर्सिटि को आयोजनामा संचालित "Round-table discussion on Consumer Behaviour and other Marketing-related Issues" मा South Asian Countries SME Forum (SAC SME Forum) को अध्यक्षको हैसियतले Panelist हुन अवसर दिनु भएकोमा युनिभर्सिटिका सम्पुर्ण पदाधिकारिहरुमा हार्दिक धन्यवाद दिन चाहान्छुं । आमन्त्रण गर्नु भएकोमा मध्यस्थकर्ता प्रो.डा. अरहन स्थापित / संकाय सदस्य राजकुमार केसि अनि मान्यवर Panelist प्रो.डा. सुवर्ण वज्राचार्य ज्य़ूहरुमा विशेष धन्यवाद दिन चाहन्छुं । आसा एवं विश्वास छ सहभागि बिद्यार्थिहरु र युनिभर्सिटिका टीमको अपेक्षामा कतै कमि हुन दिएन होला ...

Photos courtesy (फोटो साभार) : #Arhan_Sthapit FB Post

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