Friday, March 27, 2020

#0036-1140Mar27- Corona Virus PANDEMIC


This is my humble request to all my friends, family member and network associates spread over this globe, that take necessary measures to be safe from Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic.

My suggestions to be safe are;
1.   As from previous experiences social distancing is the most effective measure to be safe from this pandemic, therefore please maintain distance at least 1 meter from yourself to other.

2.   Be safe yourself and help others to be safe. Staying at home is the best option. Most of government of South Asian Countries and other countries had declared LOCK DOWN stage. Therefore, please strictly stay home if you are not in URGENT PUBLIC SERVICES.

3.   Medical supplies and necessary life line goods and services must be supplied smoothly. So, please maintain those supplies and services from your end without any interruption.

4.   In some cases any of us may need help from one to another within your vicinity and beyond country’s boundary. Therefore, let us communicate within our respective network without any hesitation; we do not know which product and services can be complimented or supplemented from one to another. Despite of any level of capacity we have, anyone of us may help another one at this stage and may seek help.

5.   Please be in close cooperation with respective hospitals, medical institutions, government ministries and agencies for smooth supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Corona Virus testing KITS, VENTILATORS, etc., which are alarmingly getting scarce in all countries. Optimization of these supplies from all network will help to minimize the spread of the pandemic and safety measure to all respective medical attendance.

6.   Take give priority & care of old age persons, kids and other people who are need on your attendance.

This is a crucial time to present ourselves as responsible citizen, entrepreneur, social worker, decision maker, advocate, consumer, and many more. Therefore, please stay@home, stay strong, stay safe, keep distance, and maintain hygiene & physiology at best.

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