Friday, September 25, 2020

#0072-1140Sep19- HAIKU, Day-3 on 8-day Russian Poetry Poetry Flash Mob.


Day 3 (Nepal Era 1140 Sep 19)

Today is the third day of my participation in this 8-day Russian poetry flash mob.





I have been nominated by my friend and respected poet of Nepalbhasa, Mr. Pushpa Tuladhar to post a poem by me every day. A photo is required with each poem posted. The poems will be translated into Russian and published in the alamanah (almanac "Fresh View").


Each day I will nominate a poet to do the same. Today, I nominate my friend and poet of Nepalbhasa Mr. Kiran Ken Ranjit to join and continue. He will post his own creation for eight days. Each poem has to be a jpeg (Photo). Thank you.

I am very much thankful to respected poet Mr. Pushpa Tuladhar as mentor for translation in English.


The original form of my Haiku creation in Nepalbhasa as;

मिंया ग्वारा ल्ह्वै

सुर्द्यवं मिला नुनी

ग्रहण चिली


ख्युंगु सर्गत

कुलां चकनीतिनि

सुपाँय् तछ्याना


चिर्बाल सर्ग:

सुपाँय्या ख्वा: हिल स्व

हाबलासा त्वै


चलःया भय

खुसि बा तनतन

वा द्यूगु मखु


My post for today in English version is as below;

Title >>



Spitting the fireball

The sun gulped down the moon

Released the eclipse


The gloomy sky

Horizon will be illuminated

Bursting the clouds


Splits the sky

Alters the face of the clouds

Lightning strikes.


The fear of the landslides

The fury of the roaring river

The rain has not stopped



#tayejupost #newahaikukhya #newahaiku #TayejuHaiku

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